Cian Swart

  • Recruitment Consultant
  • Brisbane

Cian is a Recruitment based in Brisbane who specialises in Qualified Law. Beyond his legal expertise, Cian is pursuing a Bachelor of Business, majoring in Economics & Finance and minoring in Business Law, showcasing a dedication to continuous learning and a multidisciplinary approach. Cian's professional journey is marked by a diverse background, transitioning from banking to recruitment. His experience in both sectors provides him with a unique perspective and a versatile skill set that enhances his ability to navigate the intricacies of the legal and business landscape.

Outside of the office, Cian enjoys spending time with friends by playing football and gold. His love for these activities not only reflects a commitment to physical well-being but also underscores his passion for creating long-lasting relationships. Cian is a dynamic professional who brings a wealth of experience to his work. His journey from banking to recruitment, coupled with his pursuit of a Bachelor of Business, allows him to offer a well-rounded approach to the realm of Qualified Law Recruitment.

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